October 19, 2009

)strata( design cotton fiber bracelet 315

Here's what the )strata( bracelets look like right off the mold, nice and crisp and round. This one has a single small "crow" bead in the rim. The bead is placed where two of the loops reverse direction.

This is a better look at the layers with green, white and blue strands showing the reversing loops.
7 1/2" circumference
adult "large" slip-on size
check your slip-on size click here then select your favorite from one of these three online shops:

Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/WhatKnotShop
ArtFire: http://www.artfire.com/users/WhatKnotShop
Zibbet: http://www.zibbet.com/WhatKnotShop

design and photos copyright 2009 WhatKnotShop

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