January 31, 2010

Quite a pair! 466

Here is a pair of custom made herringbone weave bracelets made from the heavy cotton cable cord dyed a dark chocolate brown and worked up to a finished shape.

This customer specified size, color, and weave design. The work required about a week including dying the cord, weaving the bracelets, working them up to finished shape, and re-dying to make the finished color consistent.

Here you can see the cord plies or slubs that were exposed during the workup. As the cotton cord is tensioned some of the plies can get twisted exposing the inner un-dyed color. The bracelets were made then re-immersed in the dye bath to darken the color and take care of the slubs.

Custom orders like this one are welcomed.
Etsy: "Request Custom Item" button (on right)
ArtFire :"Contact Artisan" button (on left)
or simply send me an email:  ghutch@isd.net

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