April 3, 2011

A Light Fog treasury collection on Etsy

A Light Fog treasury collection made by TippyToesKnits may be "A bleak view from the harbour today" but is also a really good look at some very nice handmade items. For more visit her blog for sneak peaks of new designs and a little bit of daily life!
The very skillful Turkey Feathers Watercolor Print by amberalexander is a top notch example of Amber's whimsical illustrations. Her landscapes are exceptional as well. My other pick is the Lilliputian House from Someplace Else by Marjji. These little houses could live in a small embankment along a driveway or a fern grotto in your backyard. Each one tells a story, maybe yours?

The featured item in this collection is fog grey herringbone sailor bracelet medium made from hand dyed cotton cord. The herringbone weave is a double over-under pattern that has some additional stretchability due the inherent nature of the weave design. This is a very light color grey suggestive of a cool morning mist. More colors and weave designs can be found in the solid colors collection in the Etsy shop.

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