May 18, 2011

braided, woven, or tied? (shaken or stirred?) Etsy treasury

Looking through the huge offering of cuffs on Etsy got me thinking about the indirect structure that knotted fibers create. Think about it, an ordinary piece of string is a relaxed almost limp piece of material that can be pulled and if connected to something will exert force on that object. Otherwise it's not got much to it until it is bundled together, crossed over, twisted, or knotted with other "weak" strands to form  a substantial object.

In this collection of cuffs are examples of soft and seemingly insubstantial materials that have been made into colorful and comfortable accessories.

From the organic Fancy Vintage Button Crocheted Cuff Grey, Black, Purple to the exuberant Crescen-T Upcycled T-Shirt Macrame Cuff Bracelet Light Blue and Yellow  to the bold Cuff with kangaroo laced braid over Italian leather there is a common construction technique that (pardon the pun) binds these designs together. So be sure to click through to see many other interesting items that lurk in the shops behind this treasury.

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