June 9, 2011

tied the knot collection on Etsy

Here's a fun summer collection tied the knot assembled by Valerie. You can visit her shop ValValVoom for jewelry and floral accessories perfect for summer.

My favorites from this collection are the  Off-White Rope 28" diameter Throw Rug one of many made by Anita Shane and sold along with more rope crafts through her shop RAGGIN2RUGGIN based in Kodiak Island Alaska.

Kelly Wilcox offers a cool collection of real knotted accessories represented in this collection by Nautical Silver Gray White Rope Chain Knot Necklace. Knotted rope with a bit of sparkle. More goodies in her shop knottysailor including this Cream Sailor Knot Bracelet .

The featured item in this collection is the white & grey turks head knot sailor bracelet one of a series of designs made with custom hand dyed cotton cord that can be found in the blended colors section of WhatKnotShop on Etsy.


  1. ok i have some questions about the sailor bracelets and i really need answers please.
    1. Where can i buy one other than online?(any store suggestions)
    2.Where do you buy your cotton cord?(the same kind you use for these bracelets please. i am planning on trying to make my own first.) PLEASE and THANKS. :)

  2. I am absolutely tickled that you featured my necklace and bracelet from Valerie's awesome treasury list- on your blog. I am so flattered and thankful!

    -Knotty Sailor

  3. Some shops have sailor bracelets for sale. Look around popular seashore destinations. The cotton cord comes from a variety of sources including local hardware stores, home improvement "big boxes" like Home Depot or Lowes, and on line from several sources.
