August 11, 2011

herringbone weave bracelet in white and grey cord 1473

 This is another large cuff made with a braided grey and white synthetic cord. The weave design is 26 x 15 x 1 herringbone with single overlapping or "locked" edges, The herringbone weave creates the "V" patterns visible in the second photo with the red core background.

The knot was tied on a 10 3/4" tube using rubber bands to organize the bights during construction. To see how a simple herringbone bracelet is made using the rubber band method click here for an illustrated tutorial.
The cord material came from a home improvement warehouse store. This material usually is sold in 50ft hanks for about $2.50. This design used up about 25 ft of cord when it was finished but you will need a longer piece to get started.

As with most of the double overlap herringbone weave patterns this bracelet can work down to a smaller size but still retain some elastic stretch.

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design and photographs © copyright 2011 WhatKnotShop

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